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【2022.11.30-11.30 腾讯会议】 2022年运筹信息论坛
2022-11-28 | 编辑:


地点:腾讯会议:412-959-890   密码:221201











z-SignFedAvg: A Unified Stochastic Sign-basedCompression forFederated Learning




Transparency of InformationAcquisition in a Supply Chain withManufacturerMarketingInitiativeEffort


Farsighted Stability in Competition between On-Demand ServicePlatforms




EntireColoringofPlane Graphs












Analysis on the in-AppAdvertising Contract of a Mobile PlatformandTwo CompetitiveAppDevelopers



主持:王 勇



StrongVariationalSufficiencyforNonlinearSemidefiniteProgrammingand itsImplications










报告人简介:朱建明,中国科学院大学教授、博士生导师,应急管理科学与工程学院院长助理,全国专业标准化委员会委员,中国科协科创中国安全与应急管理专业科技服务团团长, 中国优选法统筹法与经济数学研究会应急管理专业委员会副秘书长,中国优选法统筹法与经济数学研究会网络科学委员会副秘书长,国家自然科学基金面上项目评议专家。美国斯坦福大学、德克萨斯大学达拉斯分校、新加坡南洋理工大学访问学者。多年来从事运筹学、应急管理、大数据分析、社会计算和网络优化等方面的理论与应用研究。主持国家自然科学基金3 项、省部及横向课题 10 项。发表论文 80 余篇,获得北京市应急管理领域青年优秀科技论文一等奖。个人主页:http://people.ucas.ac.cn/~jianming



z-SignFedAvg: A Unified Stochastic Sign-based Compression for Federated Learning



摘要: Federated Learning (FL) is a promising privacy-preserving distributed learning paradigm but suffers from high communication cost when training large-scale machine learning models. Sign-based methods, such as SignSGD, have been proposed as a biased gradient compression technique for reducing the communication cost. However, sign-based algorithms could diverge under heterogeneous data, which thus motivated the development of advanced techniques, such as the error-feedback method and stochastic sign-based compression, to fix this issue. Nevertheless, these methods still suffer from slower convergence rates. Besides, none of them allows multiple local SGD updates like FedAvg. In this paper, we propose a novel noisy perturbation scheme with a general symmetric noise distribution for sign-based compression, which not only allows one to flexibly control the tradeoff between gradient bias and convergence performance, but also provides a unified viewpoint to existing stochastic sign-based methods. More importantly, we propose the very first sign-based FedAvg algorithm (z-SignFedAvg). Theoretically, we show that z-SignFedAvg achieves a faster convergence rate than existing sign-based methods and, under the uniformly distributed noise, can enjoy the same convergence rate as its uncompressed counterpart. Last but not the least, we remark that adding random noise to the local gradients has a double benefit: it also protects the clients’ privacy by, e.g., the Differential Privacy. Extensive experiments are conducted to demonstrate that the z-SignFedAvg can achieve competitive empirical performance on real datasets.


报告人简介:张纵辉,台湾清华大学博士,国家高层次青年人才,现为香港中文大学(深圳) 副教授、助理院长(主管教育)、广东省大数据计算基础理论与方法重点实验室副主任、深圳市大数据研究院研究员。目前与过去分别担任国际信号处理顶级期刊《IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing》资深编委,网络信号处理顶级期刊《IEEE Transactions on Signal and Information Processing over Networks》、《IEEE Open Journal of Signal Processing》编委, IEEE 信号处理协会SPS)通信网络信号处理技术委员会委员、感知通信一体化工作组发起人与首届主席和IEEE SPS 董事会亚太区独立主席。


张纵辉教授专注于面向无线通信、机器学习的关键信号处理和优化方法的基础研究,已发表 IEEE 国际顶级期刊/会议论文 130 余篇,包括 5 ESI 高被引论文,总计被引 6000 次。以优化及信号处理技术对无线通信的贡献获得 2015 IEEE 通信学会亚太区杰??年学者奖;与合作者在鲁棒波束赋形优化方面的基础性工作于 2018 年获得国际信号处理领域最具影响力的IEEE 信号处理协会最佳论文奖;2021 年以高效分布式优化方法的开创性工作第二次获得 IEEE 信号处理协会最佳论文奖(全球获奖超过 2 次以上仅 10 ;他也获得香港中文大学(深圳)理工学院首届卓越科研奖。近年来主持和参与包括国家自然科学基金重点项目、面上项目、广东省重点项目、深圳市杰??青年项目以及华为、中兴等企业的横向项目 10 余项。其中分布式基带架构的新型信道估计算法获得华为 2022 年技术成果转化二等奖。



Transparency of Information Acquisition in a Supply Chain with Manufacturer Marketing Initiative Effort



摘要:This paper studies a supply chain consisting of one retailer who acquires demand information and one manufacturer who enhances demand by exerting costly marketing initiative effort. The outcome of the retailer's information acquisition may turn out to be either successful (informed), or unsuccessful (uninformed), and the informed retailer knows the information content (high or low type). We consider two-layer information asymmetry and analyze three different scenarios: no sharing information, sharing information content with transparent information acquisition (disclosing information status) and sharing information content with nontransparent information acquisition (hiding information status). We derive the retailer's information disclosure decision and obtain some interesting observations. First, improving information capability can increase both the retailer and the manufacturer's ex ante payoffs under transparent scenario, but may decrease their payoffs under transparent scenario for certain conditions. Second, the information sharing strategy is a threshold policy: if the marketing initiative effort is higher than a threshold, then the retailer will share information voluntary. Finally, the retailer and the manufacturer benefit from transparency only under certain conditions.



2005年获得武汉大学应用数学专业理学博士学位,期间在 2002-2005 年于中科院数学与系统科学研究联合培养。20059月至20069月在香港中文大学从事博士后研究。自20069月始,在武汉大学经管学院任教。2011年入选武汉大学“351人才计划——珞珈青年学者2016年入选珞珈特聘教授。主要研究兴趣包括库存控制与定价、不对称信息下的供应链管理、运营与营销交叉问题、数据驱动的供应链管理等。主持国家自然科学基金项目3项、教育部人文社科规划基金2项,参与国家自科重点项目2项。主要研究工作发表Operations ResearchIIE TransactionsDecision SciencesNaval Research LogisticsEJORCOROmegaJORSTRE、管理科学学报、系统工程理论与实践、中国管理科学、管理工程学报等国内外知名期刊上。



Farsighted Stability in Competition between On-Demand Service Platforms



摘要:We consider service competition between two platforms, who are assumed to be farsighted, i.e., they consider the chains of reactions following their initial deviation. We first investigate the one-sided competition where the supply-side capacities of two platforms are fixed and then proceed to the two-sided competition where the two platforms are competing on both the supply and demand sides. We aim to derive farsightedly stable outcomes referred as the von Neumann-Morgenstern farsighted stable set (vNM FSS), a problem boiling down to finding the Pareto efficient strategies which indirectly dominate other strategies. To that end, we construct auxiliary decision problems for each platform where they make price decisions for the customers and wage decisions for the workers, subject to a subgame workers-customers equilibrium. We obtain each platform’s price and wage decisions by analyzing the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions. We show that, in sharp contrast to the “winner-take-all” outcome predicted by the Nash equilibrium (myopic) solution concept, both platforms can survive competition under the farsightedly stable outcomes. We also find that, in contrast to the myopic solution which may leave either customers or workers a positive surplus, farsightedness behavior of platforms fully extracts the surplus from both customers and workers. Our analysis reveals that, in the one-sided competition, myopic stable outcome (i.e., Nash equilibrium) is consistent with the farsighted stable outcome in most of cases. However, in the two-sided competition, they are totally different. We also demonstrate that even though platforms are farsighted, the stable outcome cannot yield the monopolistic profit for the two platforms.


报告人简介:陈虹桥,南京大学工程管理学院助理研究员,博士毕业于中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院运筹学与控制论专业,多伦多大学 Rotman 管理学院联合培养博士,本科毕业于云南大学数学系数学与应用数学专业。加入南京大学之前,曾在香港中文大学,香港理工大学访问学习。研究兴趣包括收益管理、鲁棒定价、共享经济等。在 Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 等管理学国际主流期刊上发表论文多篇。



Entire Coloring of Plane Graphs



摘要:A plane graph ?? = (??, ??, ??) is entirely ??-colorable if ?????? can be colored with ?? colors such that any two adjacent or incident elements receive dierent colors. In this talk, we give a brief survey on the research progress about the entire coloring of plane graphs and prove that every 2-connected simple plane graph ?? with Δ 20 has $????????(??) = Δ + 1.


报告人简介: 王艺桥,博士,教授,博士生导师,北京中医药大学管理学院副院长。中国运筹学会图论组合分会理事,中国数学会组合数学与图论专业委员会委员,中国工业与应用数学学会图论组合及应用专业委员会委员。2019 年获得教育部高等学校科学研究优秀成果 二等奖2013 年获得由中国运筹学会图论与组合分会颁发的青年论文奖  一等奖2019 年入选北京中医药大学青年科学家培育计划2015 年入选北京中医药大学优秀青年教师。主持国家自然科学基金项目 3 项,其中面上项目 2 项,青年科学基金项目 1 项,并参与其他省部级项目 20 余项。在 SIAM J. Discrete Math.J. Graph TheoryEuropean J. Combin.J. Global Optim.Appl. Math. Lett.Discrete Math.Theoret. Comput. Sci.、《中国科学》等国内外重要刊物上发表学术论文 70 篇。先后赴法国、德国、美国、加拿大、澳大利亚、香港等国家和地区进行学术交流与访问。



Resistance Distance in Graphs



摘要:The resistance distance between any two vertices of a connected graph G is defined as the net effective resistance between them in the electrical network constructed from G by replacing each edge with a unit resistor. In this talk, I will talk about various mathematical interpretations of resistance distance, sum rules on resistance distance, a recursion formula for resistance distance, and some conjectures on resistance distance.


报告人简介:杨玉军,烟台大学数学与信息科学学院教授、院长、山东省泰山学者青年专家、山东省优秀青年基金获得者、山东省高等学校青创人才引育计划项目负责人。2009 年博士毕业于兰州大学。主要研究领域为图论及其应用,在 CombinatoricaEuropean J. Combin.Discrete Math.、等国际权威杂志发表论文 40 余篇。先后主持国家自然科学基金 4 项。2015 年获山东省高校优秀科研成果奖一等奖。



基于 AI 与最优化方法的蛋白质结构预测



摘要:基于AIAlphaFold2 成为了蛋白质结构预测的里程碑。课题组前期开发了方法trRosetta,我们在 AlphaFold2 的启发下进一步改进 trRosetta,本报告将分别简要介绍。


报告人简介:杨建益,山东大学教授、博导,曾就职于南开大学等高校。与合作者共同开发了 trRosetta I-TASSER 等著名蛋白质结构预测算法,在 Nature MethodsPNAS 等发表论 60 余 篇 , 论 文 被 SCI 他 引 8000 余 次 。 更 多 信 息 请 见 课 题 组 网 站 : http://yanglab.qd.sdu.edu.cn/






摘要:随着人们对肿瘤生物学的了解深入,代谢重编程已被公认为恶性肿瘤的标志之一。与正常组织相比,肿瘤组织中存在着大量的异常代谢过程。通过对 TCGA 数据库中 14 种癌症类型的 7000 多个癌症和对照组织的转录组数据进行综合比较分析,我们发现肿瘤中近 50 代谢过程发生异常变化,并均与细胞 pH 平衡有关。通过进一步分析推断代谢重编程的发生受肿瘤内微环境压力的影响,并且这些代谢异常也将导致各种肿瘤细胞的异常行为,如持续的细胞分裂、转移等。


报告人简介: 孙慧妍,吉林大学人工智能学院副教授,博士生导师。从事人工智能及因果推断与生物医学交叉学科研究。近五年,以第一作者或通讯作者发表在《Cancer Research》、

National Science Review 》、《Genomics, Proteomics & Bioinformatics 》、《PLOS Computational Biology》、AAAI 等杂志和国际人工智能顶会上发表论文 10 余篇,其他及参与发表论文 10 余篇。获得 ACM SIGBIO CHINA 2022 新星奖。目前主持国家自然科学基金青年项目 1 项;参与国家自然科学基金重点、面上项目 3 项。任吉林省人工智能学会理事,计算机学会生物信息学专委会通讯委员。任国际人工智能顶会和生物信息学会议 AAAIIEEE BIBMCIKM 等程序委员会成员,BioinformaticsIEEE TKDE 等杂志审稿人。



Analysis on the In-App Advertising Contract of a Mobile Platform and Two Competitive App Developers



摘要:Moblie platform is an online store for distributing mobile apps and designed to connect mobile app developers and users. Mobile platform launches in-app advertisement for their advertisers to monetize the mobile app market. Unlike traditional advertising, the profitability of in-app advertising is not only affected by the decision of the platform, but also by the decision of the app developer, and they will share the advertising revenue. We develop an app advertising revenue sharing model with two competitive app developers and one mobile platform. The mobile platform is the leader, and the two app developers are the follower. Our analysis shows that the two app developers may choose to publish or not publish adds. If publishing, app developers may choose to offer a free app with in-app ads, or choose to offer a paid app with in-app ads. These results can be categorized into seven ranges for the platform's given revenue share of advertisement. In addition, we find the platform's optimal choice of ad revenue share is affected by the quality of advertisement.


报告人简介:胡威,女,南开大学数学科学学院副教授,硕士生导师。2008 年毕业于中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院,主要从事供应链决策与优化、收益管理等方面的研究。在运筹学国内外期刊EJORAOR 等发表多篇论文。






摘要:给定任意超图,覆盖超图全部圈所需要的最少点数称为超图的点反馈数。点反馈数是超图研究中的重要参数。对于三一致线性超图,报告人和合作者证明了点反馈数的一个上界, 并且对于达到上界的极图进行了完整刻画。





Strong Variational Sufficiency for Nonlinear Semidefinite Programming and its Implications



摘要:Strong variational sufficiency is a newly proposed property, which turns out to be of great use in the convergence analysis of multiplier methods. However, what this property implies for non-polyhedral problems remains a puzzle. In this talk, we will introduce the equivalence between the strong variational sufficiency and the strong second order sufficient condition (SOSC) for nonlinear semidefinite programming (NLSDP), without requiring the uniqueness of multiplier or any other constraint qualifications. Based on this characterization, the local convergence property of the augmented Lagrangian method (ALM) for NLSDP can be established under strong SOSC in the absence of constraint qualifications. Moreover, under the strong SOSC, we can apply the semi-smooth Newton method to solve the ALM subproblems of NLSDP as the positive definiteness of the generalized Hessian of augmented Lagrangian function is satisfied.


报告人简介:王石玮,2018 年毕业于大连理工大学数学系。现就读于中科院数学与系统科学院应用数学所(指导老师:丁超副研究员),直博五年级。曾获数学院卓越奖学金、阿美奖学金。研究方向:矩阵优化,优化算法的扰动分析。
